About my Recipes
We are a gluten free family. All of our main meals are Gluten Free. When posting a recipe, I do not think it is necessary for me to write out Gluten Free for each ingredient. It should be assumed.
I double check ALL labels and packaging before I purchase anything. If you are going to safely provide a GF environment for yourself or your family, double even triple checking each product must become a standard for you as well.
Also, when I am cooking a meal that I have 'created' or cook often, I do not measure. If you have any questions about exact amounts, please leave a comment and I will try my best to answer.
If I am posting a recipe that has gluten in it I will then explain that...I do still purchase a few gluten items for my son and husband's lunches and snacks. However, gluten recipes will be very very rare.
0 Words of Wisdom:
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