9 Loves
This is going to be so super easy, too easy...
My first thought was to list off 9 foods that I really really love and have yet to replace in a gluten free replica.
But, there really aren't 9 foods that I can't have, only one...
So, when I lived in Miami, I lived in Coconut Grove, which is a more upper class area of Miami. I was a hick from Texas, working at a deli that sold $1000 bottles of wine and fresh bagels made daily.
If you've never had a fresh bagel, you are in for a treat. They taste nothing like what is sold at the grocery store. They are soft and so very chewy, mmmmm, just good!!
1)The only way to eat a bagel in my opinion is with cream cheese, tomato, and salt & pepper. I LOVE THIS!
I am thinking the rest of the list will be pretty straight forward...Maybe a picture or two…
2) Pedicures. I love to go get a pedicure. Not only do I get pretty toes, but I get time with my girlfriends and a bonus back massage. (all of the spas here have massaging pedicure chairs)
3) My husband's shoulder/chest...there is this spot that my head fits perfectly. No matter what is happening, if I lay down in that spot, and he plays with my hair, I will pass out and sleep like a baby for at least 4 hours. I love that he lets me take a nap when I need one. I love that there are days that he says "come on you need to go take a nap." I love that, even though my insomnia is a hassle and really a major pain in the rear, he is understanding most of the time.
4) My son's imagination. He is amazing! When he was about 3, we watched Eragon. For months after, he would tell me stories about his dragon that lived on our roof and ate his corn dogs. His dragon took all the leaves off our oak tree for his bed and then sneezed and they got all over our yard. His dragon also decided that he was only allowed to eat chocolate and broccoli. That one was a little difficult! His imagination has matured as he has...he now draws robots and creates lego master pieces. He plays with his voice, creating a new sound every 5 minutes. This may not actually be a love...most of them are high pitched & squeaky!
5) "Oh I'm a pepper He's a pepper She's a pepper We're a pepper Wouldn't you like to be a pepper too!" I am a HUGE Diet Dr. Pepper Drinker...I probably have more DDP in my blood stream than actual blood. Yes, I drink that much...
REFORMED as of a week ago (2/13), I have not had a drop of DDP...I went through detox & everything!!
6) Cracking open a new book and falling in love. I LOVE to read. I love learn about the characters and picture them in my head. I really do not like watching a movie before I've read the book. If left a lone, I could sit and read an entire book cover to cover, in an afternoon.
7) Watching my children grow. I always hated when people would say, "You'll understand when you're a mother", but, here I am saying it...They is just no way to put into words the exact emotion that comes from watching your child grow. It is joy, love, fear, sadness, excitement, and so much more all rolled into one...I love it!
8) Winter. I love Winter...but I have to explain...I live in South Texas, we have 9 months of sweltering 100 degree summer, and 3 months of bipolar winter. I say bipolar winter, because Mother Nature just can't decide what to do...
Here is an actual weather forecast
- Monday 50 & Foggy
- Tuesday 87 & Humid
- Wednesday 70 & Foggy
- Thursday 60 & Drizzle
- Friday 50 & Rain
- Saturday 90 & Humid
I would love to live in a climate that had all 4 seasons, with trees that changed colors and you actually needed to own a winter coat.
9) My Husband and Children...they are my everything. I love them more than anything else. Without them none of the above would matter at all. We are a small little family, but we are strong and solid. We laugh at each other and with each other, we help when help is needed and we support without being asked. We love with our whole hearts and we do our best to always share our true feelings.
To learn all there is about me visit the Who are We page.
You can also read about my 10 Secrets here.
0 Words of Wisdom:
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