Being Gluten Free can sometimes feel limiting. Can sometimes feel like a cloud following you around, a constant reminder, that ‘YEP, things are different now’…
Pretty pictures inspire me, remind me, and motivate me…
So, today I have a collection of pretty pictures to remind us{me} that Gluten Free food can be fun and easy. Very yummy, kid friendly, and of course lazy mommy approved.
Store Bought Hummus and some quick chop veggies! Making hummus is as easy as pulling out your food processor/blender if you feel so inclined.
A bag of salad, a container of grape tomatoes and a few slices of peppers or onions and you too could be eating this plate of beauty!
Be careful which dressing you choose to top your salad.
Food…I could eat fruit for every meal and still want some for a snack. I
love a wide variety of fruit, but Strawberries will always be my
While we have the fruit out, there are a few other things to make.
Guilty Pleasure:
When all else fails and you just want that grab and freedom that the rest of the world have….you would never guess exactly how great a batch of Salsa and Chips can make you feel. Full, spicy, and just enough salt to get you over that crunchy salty craving. And because salsa is full of GOOD FOR YOU tomatoes you can eat tons of it…(not the chips though)
You know those little bitty snack size baggies that aren’t good for much…they are great for nuts!! Fill up a few with handfuls of nuts, dried fruit, chex cereal, and any other item your heart desires(marshmallows) and leave them everywhere…then when you are out and about…You have a snack ready to go…no thinking necessary… 
There are other foods that are Gluten Free as well, but these caught my eye today. Easy, no cooking, minimal mess, travel well, and if purchased in season you can get these item fairly inexpensively.
Please let me know what quick snacks you like have around. What do you do when you need inspiration or motivation?
P.S....I have linked the pictures that had recipes back to the source on Pinterest, the others were google images.
Being Gluten Free,
P.S....I have linked the pictures that had recipes back to the source on Pinterest, the others were google images.
0 Words of Wisdom:
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