Avery's Day
Breakfast: Chocolate Silk(she didn't like this brand/flavor-tastes like water)--Activia--- Pebbles w/ Marshmallows =YUMMY :}
Lunch: Leftover Tots w/ Chile and Cheese-- Fresh Strawberries, Blueberries, and Pineapple--Milk
Snack: Rice Cake w/ Apple Jelly and Turkey Jerky---2 Peanut Butter Cookies
Dinner: Chalupas from our favorite Mexican Restaurant
Woke up happy and sweet.....Picked up from school looking like she'd been through a maze all day, glassy eyes and whiny voice complaining of tummy pains and leg cramps.
Girl Scouts meeting was a challenge. It was cookie kick off and they were sampling cookies. Avery said she felt left out and didn't like that she could hear everyone saying 'mmmm' and all the chewing noises....note to self: be better prepared for the unknown
Avery was prescribed an acid reducer type of medication to take every morning in addition to the activia everyday. I think the two have started to work to clear out the gluten taking up residence in her gut because she has had pain all day and OMG the smells coming from that child are lethal.
My Day
I spent the entire day doing NOTHING at all!! It was lovely!! I played around with making cookies. I spent an ungodly amount of time on Pinterest. I read through a few more blogs that caught my eye. I started a Kitchen Binder. I facebooked and chatted. I did do one productive house-wifely duty...filled the dishwasher and ran it (the dishes are still in it).
I am still trying to organize my ideas on what I want my Kitchen Binder (Family Organizational Bible). When I first thought to do this, it was just gonna have the ordinary go-to household info...but now I think I am going to tweak it just a bit.
My husband isn't the best when it comes to change. I moved our can opener 5 yrs ago and yet he still puts it in the now towel drawer...sooo this is a HUGE thing for him. Unlike a few husbands out there, mine actually does cook and is sometimes handy in the kitchen. Poor guy has to be. I have had HORRIBLE migraines most of my life, so unless they all wanted to starve, he had to figure out a few meals. He is also the BEST husband in the world because he takes the kids to our hunting cabin every few weekends for some outdoors, no rules, fun in the mud and sun (bugs+mud+snakes=mom stays home).
Section Ideas:
- Price Comparison List of our most common grocery supplies. Shopping choices: HEB, Wal-Mart, Sam's, Sprouts( a whole foods type of store)
- 30 minute meals with simple ingredients that Bob can make at home or at the hunting cabin.
- List of Lunch and Snack Ideas
- Zipped Pocket for Coupons
- Go To Recipes for Breads and such
- Notes/ Shopping list
- Meal Plans
Okay...my binder is only 1.5 inches think...I don't want to get a different one. This one is really cool because you can flip the cover all the way back. Soooo, I really do not think all of these ideas of mine will fit into one binder or I need to cut some ideas.
Off to input more items into my price sheet...good night Tags: journal
0 Words of Wisdom:
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