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We go to the Butter Churn for Birthday Celebrations, Thanksgiving Dinner (my Mother & Sister are usually working), Date Night, Out of Town Visitors, as you can see...we go there often.
Avery is selling Girl Scout Cookies and the owner of the Butter Churn has allowed us to set up a table inside the restaurant on Saturday afternoons. We are very grateful. She made a killing!
But there is a point to this post aside from our local restaurant and cookies... FOOD and EATING at this restaurant.
They have a huge salad bar, steamed veggies, and today they were serving enchiladas. I knew that there would be things to eat. I knew that she would be okay. I have been in their kitchen, they keep it very clean. But, still as she took a bite of mashed potatoes, my brain did very strange things.
All of the blog's words that I've read flashed before my eyes. Cross Contamination in huge red letters was all I could focus on. My mom was standing there talking to Avery and I instantly started asking her a million questions. She did her best to answer me, and from what she said everything on Avery's plate was fairly safe.
I know this is a completely ignorant question, but do you all live in a plastic bubble? I mean really....How do you have any kind of life at all? How do you keep from being the "Crazy Celiac Mom"?
I was reading that gluten can be found on keyboards, remotes, and that people have separate toasters and sponges to wash dishes.
My daughter is 9, she touches EVERYTHING and still on occasion sucks her thumb. She is friends with everybody and often has company come over. What am I suppose to do about that....Not let any child touch anything until I watch them wash their hands?
Exactly how paranoid do I get about this?
Thank You for your help on this issue... Tags: Help
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