February 27, 2012

Meal Plan {2/27-3/4} Changes

This week went by so very fast!!  I was not prepared at all for today's meal plan.

Avery and I have been sick...we have the crude....coughing, hacking, fever, sore throat, all over feeling yucky!!

Due to the vast amount of time spent cuddled on the couch, I have been fiddling with a new theme....do you like??  Can you tell that aqua is one of my favorite colors?  If you find any pieces out of order please let me know so that I can fix it.  I am not an HTML/CSS code expert, but I know a thing or two.

So I am in the mood for soup, yummy comforting soup...maybe because I haven't felt good.

Monday (2/27): Fajita Salad

Tuesday (2/28): Pasta Fagioli

Wednesday (2/29): Chicken & Wild Rice Soup

    Thursday (3/1): Leftovers

Friday (3/2): Pizza Rolls

Saturday (3/3): Ribs

Sunday (3/4): Salad & Sandwiches

Monday (3/5): Chicken & Rice Casserole

Tuesday (3/6):  Not Real Sure...

I have several recipes to post so please check back often...

I link up every week at Organizing Junkie, because even before we started this Gluten Free way of life and I wrote out our meals on the backs of envelopes or kid's school work, I always visited her site for inspiration.

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  1. Hi there Alisha...glad you found my blog and joined the newbie party. Nice to meet you. Always nice to find new healthy recipes.

  2. Oh no! I hope you're feeling better?!
    btw, I loved your post on your Grandmother a couple days ago. One of my best girlfriends has dealt with depression for years, but couldn't admit it to us until she went on medication for it... and now the medication I'm on for my headaches is also an antidepressant, and I've realized with how much better I feel emotionally on it that, hey, I was probably depressed too. Speaking about it is sooo important, and helps you realize you are not alone.

    1. What medicine are you on for your headaches? I have dealt with depression for years. It will go away for a few months and them come back, I have no idea what triggers it, it just comes and goes....it is hard.

      You are right talking about it is very important. I think I might write more, not sure...I kinda just come on and start typing, whatever comes out is what I post for the day...silly I know!!



Thank You very much for taking the time to leave me a comment. Hope that you have a wonderful day :)
